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Wet Blasting

Maximizing media longevity and value

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Sabre blast,Alpha1 robot,Automated Air Blast Systems,automated blast systems,robotic blast nozzle,indexing-turntable,programmable indexing turntable,automated oscillating blast guns,robotic arms blast nozzles,rotary blast heads,batch turntable blast,automated shot Peening Systems
sandblasting equipment,Blasting machines,blast machines,blast pots,blasting pots,sandblasters,sand-blasters,sand blast machines,sand blast pots,sand blast media,
nozzle,papr respirator,blast nozzle,boron nozzle,carbide nozzle,Blast Suits,Blast Gloves,CO Monitor,CO Alarm,In-Line Particulate Filter,In-Line Coalescing Filter,Respirator,air ventilated helmet,HEPA Filter,Blast Light,Blast Hose
Abrasive blast media,Alumina Oxide,Crushed Glass,Glass Beads,Plastic Beads,Steel Shot,Walnut Shell,Bicarbonate of Soda,sand blasting,metal finishing,surface preparation,metal cleaning,blast hoods,blast helmets,blast nozzles,blast guns,
Blast cabinet part,blast cabinet parts,blast cabinet nozzles,blast cabinet guns,blast cabinet windows,blast cabinet gloves,blast cabinet glove,blast cabinet deadman switch,blast cabinet helmets,blast-cabinet nozzle,blast-cabinet media,blast-cabinet parts
Air Compressor
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Abrasive blast media,Aluminum Oxide,Crushed Glass,Glass Beads,Plastic Beads,Steel Shot,soda blasting,Walnut blasting,walnut Shell,Bicarbonate of Soda,sand blasting,metal finishing,blast hoods,blast nozzles,blast guns,


Clemco WetblastWet blasting uses a water borne abrasive flow to create a high quality finish instead of the impact process used in dry blasting.  Also known as liquid honing, slurry blasting or vapor blasting, wet blasting is less aggressive than dry blasting.  Water in the wet blasting process acts as a lubricant to cushion the media and reduces excess ricochet.  This causes media to create a lapping process that results in an even, polished finish.


Since wet blasting does not use the force of impact that dry blasting does, media does not become lodged into the component, and media break-up doesn’t create dust.  This dust free process enables application freedom in neighboring work areas since there’s no risk of impact or contamination from spreading dust.


Another benefit of wetblasting is the ability to recycle media used.  A pump is used to agitate water and media and move it through a slurry and to a blast gun.  Compressed air is used at the blast nozzle to accelerate the slurry for improved cleaning.  The slurry then drains into the sump and recirculates.
Always wear appropriate personal protection equipment when operating machinery of any kind.

To learn which media will most economically produce the optimal surface finish, please click below to request a call from one of our media specialists, and to arrange for a no charge MEDIA SAMPLE TEST of your needs.

HTE Abrasive Blast Solutions is dedicated to providing the resources Kansas, Missouri and Illinois manufacturers need to maximize the return on their investment in wet blast technology.
For more information please contact Customer Service at 800-444-4831 or by email at